More about us

We are the Škoda Auto Endowment Fund

Our story began at the end of 2018, when the endowment fund was established by Škoda Auto to support and co-create the development of the Mladá Boleslav region, continuing the philanthropic activities of the company's founders, Václav Laurin and Václav Klement. They have always behaved responsibly, supporting not only their employees, but above all helping to create a dignified and inspiring environment for all residents of the Mladá Boleslav region. Laurin and Klement have become our role models and at the same time the visual identity of the endowment fund – and that is why you will meet their characters wherever we are.

Since 2021, we have been operating in other regions where our founder has his production plants – in the Rychnov and Vrchlabi regions.

One of our most important mission is to connect partners from different fields, promote the exchange of experience and bring new and innovative ideas. We help public benefit organizations to increase their expertise, through our communication activities we spread awareness of their activities and contribution to society. We have established communication platforms Nové Boleslavsko, Nové Rychnovsko and Nové Vrchlabsko, which serve as a hate-free zone and provide space for all interesting initiatives, small entities and citizens to actively participate in events in the regions.

Are you wondering how our new logo was created and what it means? Watch the story of its creation in this video or read about it here.

Our important partners are representatives of public administration and cities, with whom we conduct a dialogue on the implementation of long-term development projects and whom we encourage to implement transformation strategies. In the regions where we operate, we conduct opinion polls (for example, most recently our Explorer). In particular, it supports those projects that are based on discussions with citizens. They know best how to make life in their region even better.

We are proud holders of the Mark of Quality: Corporate Endowment Fund award, which is awarded by the Donors Forum.

The award represents an opportunity for us to move forward, to streamline our internal processes, management and transparency of our communication with the public, because it is precisely in these areas that the expert committee evaluated us.

Asociace Pracanti

People in the Fund

  • Ladislav Kučera

    Ladislav Kučera

    Director of the Endowment Fund

  • Kristýna Červinková

    Kristýna Červinková

    Communications Manager

  • Michal Čapek

    Michal Čapek

    Project Manager

  • Ondřej Novák

    Ondřej Novák

    Project Manager

  • Jan Kluger

    Jan Kluger

    Project Manager

Management Board

  • Michal Kadera

    Michal Kadera

    Chairman of the Management Board

  • Dana Němečková

    Dana Němečková

    Member of the Management Board

  • Martin Hrdlička

    Martin Hrdlička

    Member of the Management Board

  • Sandra Lacinová

    Sandra Lacinová

    Member of the Management Board

Supervisory Board

  • Klaus Zellmer

    Klaus Zellmer

    Chairman of the Supervisory Board

  • Maren Gräf

    Maren Gräf

    Member of the Supervisory Board

  • Bohdan Wojnar

    Bohdan Wojnar

    Member of the Supervisory Board

  • Holger Peters

    Holger Peters

    Member of the Supervisory Board

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

We are trying to dispel the notion that the annual report is a multi-page document full of numbers that few people finish. We take great care in our "annual reports". We even won 2nd place for it in the 2021 Donors Forum competition.


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35 let od Sametové revoluce na vlastní kůži

35 let od Sametové revoluce na vlastní kůži

V neděli 17. listopadu si Česká republika připomněla již 35 let od Sametové revoluce. Ku příležitosti tohoto významného milníku naší historie jsme společně s Post Bellum a městy Mladá Boleslav a Mnichovo Hradiště připravili jedinečnou vzdělávací akci pro žáky základních škol.

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