basic project information
- support area Children matter
- beneficiary Sbor Jednoty bratrské v Rychnově nad Kněžnou
- location of support Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, 51601
- year of support 2022
- amount of contribution 60,000 Kč
The successful and happy life of children is largely due to their family background. Parents must choose what and to whom they give their attention and time in today's demanding world. They do not always realise that it is their children who need their time, attention and loving and firm upbringing. That is why the Rybka Family Centre wants to offer help to parents in the framework of the campaign "Let's give children our time". Interactive talks on parenting, joint meetings, community events and distribution of a readable brochure on parenting in the context of welcoming citizens in the villages of the Rychnov region. Hundreds of parents and children who will receive support to devote themselves to their children.